1. Sign-up & Log-in

  2. Set up wallets

    1. Ethereum & Metamask
      • Purpose
      • How to
    2. Chainbridge
      • Purpose
      • How to
  3. Get DENA ready

    1. Buy DENA
      • How to
    2. Charge DENA to
      • How to
    3. Claim DENA?
    4. Withdraw DENA to Ethereum network?
  4. Register Ownership (NFT)

  5. Claim Tax


You have to register NFT nation ownership cards in order to enjoy the Founder Tax and Tax Farming. You can determine how many cards you want to register. When they are registered, the weekly tax rate will be automatically calculated based on the stated DGDP. When you are the one who registered the most, then you become the president of the nation. President has special privileges and will be compensated a bit more than the other owners.

There are several ways to increase the DGDP of your nation. One powerful tool to increase the DGDP is using DN cards. Successfully registered nation ownership cards can be “boosted” by the DN cards. Boosting can make your national DGDP higher, increasing your weekly tax rate accordingly.

[Important to note]

Higher DGDPs mean a higher weekly tax rate you can earn.

Whenever you attach Nation Ownership cards or DN cards, DENA is necessary.

DENA used during registration will be burned.

You are unable to unregister the cards once you registered, but when you sell or transfer your Ownership NFT to other accounts, they will be automatically unregistered.

You are able to detach the DN cards which were used to boost your nations, but when you sell or transfer your DN cards to others, they will be automatically detached from the order of the smallest DGDP.